Apex offer a number of different printing systems for food industy related product types. These include Flat Sticks and Scoops for Ice Creams & Lollies; Cups; Meat Packs; Tubes and Containers; Chop Sticks; Ice Cream Cartons and Lids; Margarine Containers; Yogurt Cups & Lids; Clamshell type packs for Fruit and Bakery products; Egg Carton Printers; Wooden, Plastic and Paper Sticks for confectionery. Our systems are custom engineered to handle and print all shapes and sizes of products - if you have something new requiring decoration please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Machine types in this area include:

S-40 Lid Printers

S-40 Printer for Food Packaging Lids

This derivation of the well proven Apex S-40 type machine has been specifically designed for printing onto the tops of food container lids. The machine is available to handle a variety of sizes, depending on customer requirements.

The operation involves the operator loading stacks of orientated lids into an infeed automatic scroll assembly. The scroll assembly will release the bottom lid from the stack and place it in between the set guide rails of our S-40 style base assembly.

Apex Machine S-40 Lid Printer

A linear, continuous motion dual chain assembly with pushers at proper centers will come from behind the lid and carry it throughout the remainder of the machine. The first station the part will enter is a treating station where the surface will be pre-treated using an Apex flame treating system for proper print and adhesion quality.

Following the flame treating station is a 6-color dry offset print station. The next station is an Apex UV dryer to cure the ink before the lids exit out of the system and into an automatic re-stacker system. The complete system has an approximate production rate of 100 parts per minute.


Detailed machine information, specifications and, in many cases, videos are available on request once we have the basic details of your application and requirements to enable us to select and supply the most relevant information and recommendations. Please click below to submit a request for additional information. We will be very pleased to provide you further information and assistance.